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American Rescue Act

New Funding for Our Heroes in Blue

Our Nation's Heroes Are Facing a Crisis

Rising gun crime, budget cuts & staff shortages are threatening communities


Gun crime is trending. Communities want action.

Amid surging gun crime, law enforcement agencies have struggled with budget deficits and staff shortages. Meanwhile, communities are looking to the police to take swift action. Many agencies have turned to ShotSpotter's gunshot detection technology to address this violent crime trend that experts expect to continue.

See 2021 Gunfire Trends

$130 Billion in Federal Funding is Available

Police departments are investing in technology to address the urgent surge in gun crime

Recognizing the urgent need, lawmakers approved a $130 Billion stimulus for states, cities, and counties as part of the American Rescue Plan act. Police agencies have turned to ShotSpotter RespondTM Gunshot Detection to:

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    Detect the precise location of gunfire within seconds and expedite response times
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    Enable police to better aid victims, collect evidence, and apprehend suspects.
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    Ensure officers have situational data to help them approach crime scenes safely and strategically

Protect Your Community

Reduce gun crime with proven gunshot detection technology

It is Urgent that Agencies Act Now!

ShotSpotter's funding experts can help you justify your need for funds.

What you should know about the American Rescue Act:

  • Unlike the CARES Act, there are minimal restrictions on the use of funds.
  • Gunshot detection technology is an allowable use.
  • Funds will be quickly deposited within 45 days.
  • Local officials are preparing their spending plans now.

Be first in line to make your case! Get a FREE funding consultation.

ShotSpotter's funding experts can help you navigate the discussions with your Administration and Elected Officials as you fight to protect your community in these unprecedented times.